Monday, March 29, 2010

COOL BABY NAMES: Which Are The Hottest?

What are the cool baby names?

That’s the first question most people ask us when they hear we have the unlikely profession of baby name experts. We hear it so often, in fact, that we wrote a book called Cool Names for Babies.

Still, when people ask us the question, we find ourselves stuttering and stammering.

Why?  Mostly because cool is in the eye (or ear) of the beholder.

Certainly, the websites that have sprung up purporting to direct you to cool baby names do nothing of the sort.   They only pop up when you google cool baby names because they’re optimized for that popular search term (one of the hard facts of the rough-and-tumble baby name biz) and not because they know anything about cool….or even baby names, for that matter.

One way to identify cool baby names might be to look at what cool people are naming their babies.  For the most part, this dovetails nicely with the names that nameberry visitors like best — yes, of course we’re cool! — and that are most searched for on the site.  These tend to have traditional roots but an offbeat feel and include:



















The problem with many of these names, however, is that they’re so universally identified as cool that really cool people consider them uncool.  Really cool people are looking for names that nobody yet thinks are cool, but that are cool.  Like what?  No matter what example I give — Ralph, Harriet, Eileen for God’s sake — simply uttering it aloud will either make it instantly uncool, or make you think that I’m an idiot.

Another path to cool baby names is to adopt the names of cool people, real and legendary.  For example:


ALICE (in Wonderland)

FRANNY (of Franny & Zooey)

HARPER (Lee, author of To Kill A Mockingbird)

JADA (Pinkett Smith)

LOUISA MAY (Alcott, rockingest of the Little Women)

SCARLETT (Johansson and O’Hara)

SCOUT (young heroine of To Kill A Mockingbird)

ZADIE (author Smith)


ABEL (the good brother of Cain and…)

ATTICUS (yet another admirable To Kill A Mockingbird personage)

AUDEN (W.H., the poet)

DEXTER (Television’s most appealing mass murderer)

HOLDEN (Caulfield)

JASPER (artist Johns)

JUDE (Law, though still cool?  Jury’s out.)

MILES (Davis)

MOSES (parted the Red Sea!)

NATHANIEL (Hawthorne)

OTIS (Redding)

TRUMAN (Capote)

Weirdly, the names of some very cool people still aren’t cool.  Brad and Angelina, for instance.  Johnny Depp.  Kate Moss.  But their kids’ names may qualify:











AXEL (Will Ferrell’s son, but would be cool anyway)





There’s also a kind of in-your-face cool that may appeal if  you also think neck tattoos and heavy metal are cool.  Not quite the nameberry style, but bad-ass names like Ryker and Breaker for boys, Karleigh and Destiny for girls are considered cool by lots of people.

And there are dozens of other kinds of cool baby names too, one to suit every taste and style, so many you could write a book about it. Oh, right. We did. If you want a cool name for your baby, check out Cool Names for Babies for thousands of great examples!

What names do YOU think are cool, and why?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Determining Sex Position Sex Baby

Simple way based on biological differences between cells containing spermatozoa with the X chromosome containing Y chromosomes The difference between the two sperm cells as follows.

First, the size of X sperm cells bigger, so the slower the motion, while Y sperm move faster because the smaller size. Second, X sperm cells are more resistant to acidic substances, while Y sperm are more resistant to the alkaline substances.

Based on these biological differences and made a simple attempt to separate the two types of spermatozoa in the planning of a baby's sex.

First, by setting the time sexual intercourse. Sexual relations conducted in time to allow fertile Y spermatozoa reach the egg first, which is expected to produce a baby boy. If done about two days before or after the fertile, is expected to produce a baby girl.

Second, by using substances that are acids or bases. If you want a baby boy, do rinse the vagina with the alkaline material before sexual intercourse. Conversely, if women want a baby, do rinse with acidic substances before sexual intercourse.

Third, by arranging techniques that sexual intercourse orgasm can be arranged. If you want a baby boy, the wife must first orgasm to the atmosphere inside the vagina becomes alkaline. Conversely, if a woman wants a baby, the wife should have an orgasm and then to the atmosphere in the vagina remained acid.

Of course, this simple method is not guaranteed to give a definitive result. In fact, failure is high because for many people is not always easy to determine when the right moment fertile, and how to arrange for an orgasm first, or later.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

How to Conceive a Baby the Natural Way!

New Page 1

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Non-sex selection clinic is an alternative to sex selection clinic.

Include in the selection of sex clinic, the most widely accepted method (preimplantation
genetic diagnosis) IVF and PGD (in-vitro fertilization).

Both PGD & IVF will produce a 100% success rate when it comes to the sex of
the unborn child.

Clinical procedures for many years.

Besides these years she has undergone various legal and ethical problems.

Select Until today, clinical practice, the baby's sex is discouraged, and a
majority of government and religion.

There are two reasons why couples may decide to choose the sex of their baby
in advance.
The most common are:


Compatibility of family

It is a scenario in which sex is one way in a family.

Some couples seeking a family is formed by boys and girls.


Gender preferences

Some couples want to have only one child, and therefore attempt in May to
choose the sex of their baby in advance.

Do not get in the sex selection clinic couples only what they want) (the
choice of sex of their baby, they are also assured that their child would
inherit the genes that are best in the family line.

Bad traits that are in the family genes removed
during the process of IPR.

Despite the advantages and success, few people have access to the procedures
so that they are extremely expensive and inaccessible.

PGD and IVF procedure costs thousands (in the range of numbers 5) and can be
found in some countries.

Because of its rarity and high cost, non-clinical approaches to sex
selection becoming more popular among couples.

It is perhaps not as accurate as clinical methods, but it is certainly
cheaper and more natural approach.

Non-sex selection clinic is the best option to none.

As a sex selection clinic clinical approaches is performed before conception
or fertilization of the female egg.

It begins with an understanding of the origin of sex in humans, the
properties of X & sperm carrying the Y chromosome and the time of ovulation.

Ovulation is a time when the female egg is fertile.

If a Y-chromosome sperm fertilizes the egg take to develop a boy.

If an X-chromosome sperm fertilizes the egg, a little girl will be formed.

Both X & Y chromosome carry sperm have different characteristics.

Learn about the characteristics of these can help create a favourable
environment for their prosperity, or fall.

X-chromosome sperm are weak in general and may last only a day or two.

Y-chromosome sperm of the other are more robust and can last for days or

This understanding can, couples obviously influence on the formation of sex.

If a couple wants to have a little girl, couples should try to sex days or
weeks before the date when the ovulation.

If a boy is destined sex couples should be hours or minutes before

There is nothing complex about the choice of sex of a child in a manner

Everything is pretty straightforward if you are well informed, in the right

Although she is no perfect matching of genes, or 100% owned promise
accuracy, people are exploring this alternative when it comes to sex

Learn more about

gender selection methods

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